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Q2 actions

1. About Add External Account

Allows you to add an external account for a user using LogonName .

Prerequisites :

Provide authorization token.


Following are the required properties of this connector and can be overridden by msg.config object.


Provide Q2 a developer platform Base URL.


Provide the id of the client that was set up in


Provide the msg object containing the customer information in JSON format.

The following message properties may be included in the connector properties if specified.

  • msg.config.baseUrl => Base_Url
  • msg.config.apiVersion => API_Version

Data_Property sample in JSON format



Sample config

msg.config =
baseUrl: "" ,
apiVersion: ""

Response Example

"data": [
"ABA": "022222222",
"Account": "123456",
"Success": true
"ABA": "088888888",
"Account": "12345678",
"Success": true
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"requestid": "test",
"status": 200,
"log_ref_id": "log-reference-id"

2. About Delete Customer

Allows you to mark a customer as deleted, as well as the associated users and logins.

Prerequisites :

Provide authorization token.


Following are the required properties of this connector and can be overridden by msg.config object.


Provide Q2 a Base URL.


Provide the id of the client that was set up in


Provide the end user's associated customer id.

The following message properties may be included in the connector properties if specified.

  • msg.config.baseUrl => Base_Url
  • msg.config.apiVersion => API_Version
  • msg.config.customerID => Customer_ID

Path parameters

Pass the customerID through the path.

Response Example

"data": {},
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"requestid": "365af9df-784e-4ce5-8c8b-eb666ea302d7",
"status": 200,
"log_ref_id": "log-reference-id"

3. About Delete User

Allows you to mark a user as deleted in the Q2 Platform. The user will no longer be able to log in.

Prerequisites :

Provide authorization token.


Following are the required properties of this connector and can be overridden by msg.config object.


Provide Q2 a Base URL.


Provide the id of the client that was set up in


Provide the end user's id.

The following message properties may be included in the connector properties if specified.

  • msg.config.baseUrl => Base_Url
  • msg.config.apiVersion => API_Version
  • msg.config.userID => User_ID

Path parameters

Pass the userID through the path.

Response Example

"data": "User 1 deleted successfully",
"success": true,
"errors": {},
"requestid": "666b4dec-9dab-432b-ab3c-8fb76ee3e9ac",
"status": 200,
"log_ref_id": "log-reference-id"

4. About Enrollment

Allows you to create a customer, user, and logon in the Q2 Platform.

Prerequisites :

Provide authorization token.


Following are the required properties of this connector and can be overridden by msg.config object.


Provide your Q2 Base URL.


Provide the id of the client that was set up in


Provide the msg object containing the customer information in json format.

The following message properties may be included in the connector properties if specified.

  • msg.config.baseUrl => Base_Url
  • msg.config.apiVersion => API_Version

Data Property sample in JSON format


Sample config

msg.config ={
baseUrl: "" ,
apiVersion: "" ,
user_id: "",
can_deposit: "",
can_view: "" ,
can_withdraw: "",
account_number: "",
primary_cif: ""

Response Example

"data": {},
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"requestid": "29b69179-bd86-4878-9738-a8c4e547220a",
"status": 200,
"log_ref_id": "log-reference-id"

5. About Get Account List

Fetches a list of accounts and account details connected to the provided login name.

Prerequisites :

Provide authorization token.


Following are the required properties of this connector and can be overridden by msg.config object.


Provide your Q2 Base URL.


Provide your API version(v1 or v2).

The following message properties may be included in the connector properties if specified.

  • msg.config.baseUrl => Base_Url
  • msg.config.apiVersion => API_Version

Sample config

msg.config ={
baseUrl: "" ,
apiVersion: ""

Response Example

"access_token": "[Valid JWT value]",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600

6. About GET TOKEN

Allows the authorization for OAuth flow.


Following are the required properties of this connector and can be overridden by msg.config object.


Provide your Q2 Base URL.


Provide your Q2 client id.


Provide youer Q2 client secret.


Provide token grant type.


Provide a space delimited value of scopes you want to include within the JWT.

The following message properties may be included in the connector properties if specified.

  • msg.config.baseUrl => Base_Url
  • msg.config.client_id => Client_Id - msg.config.client_secret => Client_Secret
  • msg.config.grant_type => Grant_Type
  • msg.config.scope => Scope

Sample config

msg.config ={
baseUrl: "" ,
client_id: "" ,
client_secret: "",
grant_type: "",
scope: ""

Response Example

"access_token": "[Valid JWT value]",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600

7. About Lookup Customer

Allows you to look up customer information.

Prerequisites :

Provide authorization token.


Following are the required properties of this connector and can be overridden by msg.config object.


Provide your Q2 Base URL.


Provide your API version(v1 or v2).


Provide the TaxID you would like to search for.


Provide all of the custom data that is related to the found customer.


Provide the phone numbers that are associated with customer record.


Provide the default address information associated with the customer record.

The following message properties may be included in the connector properties if specified.

  • msg.config.baseUrl => Base_Url
  • msg.config.apiVersion => API_Version
  • msg.config.taxID => Tax_ID
  • msg.config.includePhone => Include_Phone
  • msg.config.includeCustomerData => Include_Customer_Data

Sample config

msg.config ={
baseUrl: "" ,
apiVersion: "",
taxID: "",
includePhone: "",
includeCustomerData: ""


Response Example

"data": [
"CustomerID": 2,
"CustomerName": "Gorczany Inc Inc",
"TaxID": "012345678",
"IsCompany": false,
"ServiceChargePlanID": 0,
"ChargeAccount": 5002,
"CreateDate": "2022-01-28T12:09:19.823+00:00",
"DefaultAddressID": 1,
"AutoGenerated": false,
"DeletedDate": null,
"GroupID": 4,
"ChargePlanStartDate": "2022-01-28T12:09:19.823+00:00",
"CustInfo": "012345678",
"PrimaryCIF": "012345678",
"PolicyID": 34,
"CompanyPolicyID": 34,
"HostUser": "0123",
"HostPwd": "0234",
"Address": {
"AddressID": 1,
"StreetAddress1": "13785 Research Blvd",
"StreetAddress2": "Suite 150",
"City": "Austin",
"State": "TX",
"PostalCode": "78750",
"AddressType": 2,
"UserID": null,
"CountryID": 212,
"IsInternational": false,
"Province": null
"Phones": [
"PhoneID": 1,
"CountryName": "United States",
"CityOrAreaCode": "512",
"LocalNumber": "1234567",
"Extension": "",
"PhoneTypeName": "Home"
"PhoneID": 2,
"CountryName": "United States",
"CityOrAreaCode": "512",
"LocalNumber": "2345678",
"Extension": "",
"PhoneTypeName": "Fax"
"Data": [
"ShortName": "SomeData",
"GTDataValue": "1"
"ShortName": "SomeData2",
"GTDataValue": "2"
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"requestid": "cb12e41f-f615-4bdb-8717-cbdd1e7ad013",
"status": 200,
"log_ref_id": "log-reference-id"

8. About Lookup User

Allows you to look up customer information.

Prerequisites :

Provide authorization token.


Following are the required properties of this connector and can be overridden by msg.config object.


Provide your Q2 Base URL.


Provide your API version(v1 or v2).


Provide the SSN you like to search for.


Provide the Include_Auth_Token for which lookup will query for the users authentication token.

The following message properties may be included in the connector properties if specified.

  • msg.config.baseUrl => Base_Url
  • msg.config.apiVersion => API_Version
  • msg.config.ssn => SSN
  • msg.config.includeAuthToken => Include_Auth_Token

Sample config

msg.config ={
baseUrl: "" ,
apiVersion: "",
ssn: "",
includeAuthToken: ""

Response Example

"data": [
"UserID": 2,
"CustomerID": 2,
"FirstName": "Ryan",
"MiddleName": "None",
"LastName": "user",
"Salutation": null,
"Suffix": null,
"SSN": "123456789",
"CreateDate": "2022-01-28T12:09:20.02+00:00",
"DeletedDate": null,
"DefaultEmailID": 2,
"DefaultAddressID": 103,
"AutoGenerated": false,
"HostUser": null,
"HostPwd": null,
"UserInfo": "123456789",
"ProfileUpdated": true,
"MobileAuthCode": null,
"UseCustomerAccounts": false,
"PrimaryCIF": "012345678",
"LastUserProfileUpdate": "2022-04-07T16:24:08.27+00:00",
"UserRoleID": null,
"PolicyID": null,
"UserStatusID": 1,
"StatusChangeDate": null,
"DOB": "1980-10-16T00:00:00+00:00",
"UserStatus": "ACTIVE",
"PrimaryEmailAddress": "",
"LogonNames": [
"LogonIDMapping": {
"retail0": "2",
"test2": "1"
"AuthToken": "AuthTokenSerial"
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"requestid": "afd171c6-8a0d-4e51-b459-a7cd5480331c",
"status": 200,
"log_ref_id": "log-reference-id"